Every business needs to be using social media and blogs in 2019, but an oversaturated market demands significant innovation and visual stimulation to be successful. No matter the industry, bloggers, and brands need to be formatting their social media accounts and blog posts in a manner that cultivates an experience for their consumers.

Gone are the days when simple text posts and unedited photos could drive engagement. Today’s viewers are accustomed to quality, and the bar is continuously rising. To stay in touch and on top, follow these tips to make your social media and blog posts more visually engaging.

Blogging Blur Communication 261662Break Up Content With Imagery

The visual presentation of a blog post will directly influence how likely a viewer is to read the entire thing. A “wall of text” builds a literal wall between you and your readers. It’s the same reason many people are deterred by the notion of reading a traditional newspaper today.

Without compelling visuals that emphasize the content and break up central ideas, blog posts quickly appear overwhelming and become more of a chore to read than a source of value or entertainment.

Keep in mind that most users scan a page before they read. Visuals capture them during this process and help draw them in. You can use infographics, charts, and other useful images that present big ideas and key takeaways to people who haven’t read a single word. According to the marketing firm Progressive Content, audiences are more likely to be convinced by visual content than words alone. Also, infographics are 30 times more likely to be read and are more memorable than a purely textual article.

Use Headings Effectively

Make sure that headings immediately allow people to gain a general idea of what’s underneath. Headings aren’t just decorations, they’re valuable assets to any blog post. On social media, headings don’t exist, so images will have to shine through using keywords.

Avoid Going Overboard

Some writers attempt to cover every facet of a single subject in one blog post, but this leads to long-winded narratives that, no matter how well written, deter readers. Effective blog posts that are highly shareable range between 300 to 500 wordsAlthough long-form blog posts exceeding 1,000 words can perform well in the right context, it’s most effective to keep ideas short, sweet, and memorable for your audience.

Use Audience-Oriented Visuals

Pay attention to the types of blogs and posts your target audience frequently engages with, and strive to emulate the same effect with your posts and blog designs. You do not have to copy anyone to create a successful strategy. However, it is essential to understand the types of images and underlying concepts your audience is receptive to. This will help you create compelling visuals and transmit stronger messages that leave an impact.