First-time managers can encounter new ideas and ways of doing things, but they are not always the best at learning from experience. To avoid making mistakes or wasting money when managing their home, they’ll need to learn some good techniques before diving into a more complicated situation like managing tenants in one particular apartment building. Below is a list of ten tips that will help them become an experienced manager sooner than later.


  1. Start delegating
    When they start as a first-time manager, they won’t have enough time to do everything themselves even though their companies hired them because they thought they had those skills. If they want to succeed in this job, they must delegate tasks that they don’t know how to complete to people who know what they are doing. This allows them to work on other aspects of their jobs while having others take care of the responsibilities that they lack the expertise for.


  1. Learn how to handle difficult situations
    No matter how smart they might think you are, there will be times when challenging situations arise. Even if they haven’t been in the business long, they should have learned that sometimes they get stuck with a problem that nobody else wants to deal with. By learning how to handle these situations efficiently, they will be able to make sure that everyone involved gets what they want without any problems. They’ll also save their nerves, so they have energy left over for dealing with the next challenge.


  1. Acknowledge new relationships
    One thing that every person hates about being managed is when they try too hard to please another party. It doesn’t sound fair since they were told they wouldn’t need to worry about pleasing someone. When they come up against a situation where they feel they need to appease a certain individual instead of focusing on getting the project done, they’ll feel frustrated and disorganized. Instead of allowing someone else to control them, they should consciously acknowledge each relationship they have with clients, co-workers, supervisors, etc. It could mean saying thank you after signing off on something or letting them know they appreciate them for helping them out with a particular task. No matter how small the act may seem to them, they know each person involved and respect them all.


  1. Concentrate on building trust
    The number one way people give away their power in organizations is by trusting authority figures. If they want to earn respect from people, they’ll have to display behaviours that prove how much they value each member’s opinion. The easiest way to achieve this goal is through building trust with their subordinates. Once they establish that rapport, they’ll find that their team members are willing to go the extra mile whenever needed. They shouldn’t underestimate the amount of work that goes into gaining respect within an organization; however, they should remember that they never lose it once they’ve earned it.